Alex Porch

Osteopathic Manual Practitioner

I grew up in Burlington, Ontario where I now live with my wife Angela and our two sons Colton and Luca.  I have been interested in sports my whole life playing hockey, rugby, riding and racing mountain bikes and running races from Marathons to 5k’s.  I have always had a passion to try and help people, I have volunteered in Dominican Republic, Haiti, Ethiopia and Kenya providing manual therapy and nutrition education.

I completed an Honours Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology from McMaster University.  I worked as a Kinesiologist in a physiotherapy setting for 4 years while I attended the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy where I received a Master in Practice Diploma of Osteopathic Manipulative Sciences.  The M.OMSc Program is a 4 year, professional manual osteopathic designation.  I am a member of the Ontario Osteopathic Association (OOA).

Osteopathy is a profession that makes extensive use of manual assessment and treatment.  Osteopathy emphasizes the interrelationship between structure and function of the body.  Manual Osteopathic treatment works to restore proper body mechanics, nerve impulses and the circulation of body fluids so that the body can function and perform optimally.  I believe every patient is unique and therefore every treatment should be unique and customized to that patient.  I strive in my treatments to restore the proper mechanics of the body as a whole in order to improve function and performance.

Want to get to know me better? Click on the 5 things I can’t live without.

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