Kevin Brady

In January I was in a brutal ski accident where I lost a ski in a chute and was catapulted down a steep slope. I broke my ankle in 2 different places, but luckily I did not require surgery.
Exercise and training is a priority in my life. I was determined to not let this injury get in the way of a ski trip in March or a cycling event in May. The surgeon said at my age, 57, these goals were likely not possible.
I started treatment at The Proactive Athlete a week after my injury which helped to reduce swelling and increase movement. They also helped me modify my workouts to continue to be active and support my healing process.
My goal was to cut my healing time in half, and with the support of The Proactive Athlete and my own personal healing regimen (link) I was able to get out of my crutches at 5 weeks. They put together an aggressive rehab plan to rebuild my ankle as fast as possible to prepare me to ski and cycle.
I was able to salvage my ski trip with friends (8 weeks after the injury), and 6 weeks later I am thankful that I was able to participate in my 4th Giro Sardegna (6 daily stages, over 500km’s!) with my son Tim and some other great cyclists from Canada!